Microscope Objective Lens

Newest Items (113/124)

  • Olympus Plan N 40x / 0.65 Infinity. 17 Fn22 Uis2 Microscope Objective Lens Bx Cx
  • 5651 Nikon Cf Plan Apo Microscope Objective Lens 50x/0.90 Wd 0.42
  • Soviet Vintage Objective Lens 8, 20, 20 X 0.40 Microscope Lomo Zeiss Rms
  • Olympus Splan S Plan Apo Apochromat 4x Microscope Objective Lens #2
  • Olympus Splan S Plan Apo Apochromat 4x Microscope Objective Lens
  • Nikon Labophot-2 Microscope With 4 Objective Lenses
  • Olympus Ulwd Msplan 50x 0.55 Infinity /0 F=180 Microscope Objective Lens Splan
  • Olympus Splan 40x, Uvfl 100x Oil 1.30, 160/0.17 Microscope Objective Lens Plan
  • Mitutoyo Microscope Objective Lens Rare Limited Japan Lte719
  • Olympus Uplanfl 10x/0.30, / Microscope Objective / Lens
  • Nikon Plan Apo 20x 0.65 160/0.17 Microscope Objective Lens Apochromatic Rms
  • Zeiss Opmi-1 Surgical Microscope With Eyepieces & 200mm Objective Lens
  • Leica Hcx Pl Fluotar 40x 0.6 Na Corr Xt Microscope Objective Lens
  • Leica Hcx Plan Apo 40x/0.85 Corr Microscope Objective Lens Used. 506167
  • Vision Engineering Mantis Original Microscope 2x Objective Lens Mint Condition
  • Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 5x 0.14 Microscope Objective Lens F=200
  • Leitz Germany Pl Plan 1.6x/0.08 Macro Microscope Objective Lens 160mm
  • Niko Plan Apo 4/0.20 160/- Lens 4x Objective Optiphot Wafer Uv Microscope Macro
  • Mitutoyo Microscope Objective Lens Mplan Apo 2x 0.055 Limited Japan Lte386
  • Japan 60x Lab Microscope Scientific Objective Lens Attachment With Case